[MR] Canceling Physical June University & Going Virtual

Adriana la Bretonne baronessadriana at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 11:26:51 PDT 2020

Good afternoon,

It is not without some regret that I make this announcement, but I also
know you may have been expecting it. With that said, the University of
Atlantia's Summer session which was to occur on June 13 in Lynchburg, VA
will not be happening.

Rather, with the full support of Their Majesties, our Kingdom officers, and
the University staff we are planning to offer the first fully online
session of the University of Atlantia on Saturday, June 13. Last night we
began discussing the specifics of how to make this happen and are excited
at the prospect of being able to undertake this challenge and offer
something to our Kingdom populace that approximates University to the best
of our ability during this unprecedented time. So, be on the lookout for

Some things we already know will be different for this online session:

   1. Instructors must be willing to offer classes in an online format.
   Preferred platforms for this will be Zoom or Google Hangouts.
   2. We will have a dedicated tech support team available for instructors
   and students to support these preferred platforms.
   3. All students will be required to pre-register to take a class.
   4. Each student will receive an email confirming class placement and
   including a link to access the class after student registration closes.

We know this won’t serve all students and instructors depending on
bandwidth and topic, and we apologize for that, but given the circumstances
we thought we’d try to serve some if not all.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

In service,
Dame Adriana la Bretonne

Baroness Adriana la Bretonne, OP
University of Atlantia Chancellor
Barony of Windmasters' Hill <http://www.windmastershill.org>
Kingdom of Atlantia <http://atlantia.sca.org>

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