[MR] Fwd: [Atlantia-Announce] Request for Award Recommendations

Jacintha of Highland Foorde jacintha74 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 11:00:56 PDT 2019

Greetings to my fellow populace,
Do you think m'Lord Joe of the Barony deserves a particular dohicky? If
you've caught him being good, I urge you to use the recommendations portal
at https://award.atlantia.sca.org/ This portal works for BOTH Kingdom level
awards AND Barony level awards!
You'll need an Atlantian Enterprise Login, and AEL. If you've taken a
university class, or have a fighter card, ITS THE SAME LOGIN.
If you are technology challenged, as many of us are, please email
TRM at atlantia.sca.org, TRH at atlantia.sca.org, or your local Baronial coronets
as appropriate.

Lady Jacintha of Highland Foorde

*       Nam in dando recipimus      *
* For it is in giving that we receive *
*    Francis of Assisi 1185-1226    *

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Tannis Baldwin via Announce <announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 6:07 AM
Subject: [Atlantia-Announce] Request for Award Recommendations
To: Atlantia Announce System <announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>

Greetings on this lovely first day of Autumn,

With the change of seasons comes the time to consider award recommendations
for the winter reign.  I wish to encourage everyone to look around and
consider the wonders you’ve seen during the warm summer days.  What items
of beauty were created and skills shared with others?  What kind acts of
services performed?  What feats of skill did you witness or experience on
the field of battle?  Remember, each of us serves as the eyes for the
Crown.  Without our assistance it is hard for Them to know all that happens
within Atlantia.  You can submit recommendations directly to the Crown at:

Not sure which honor is appropriate for the deeds you witnessed?  The list
of Atlantian honors and descriptions may be found at:

Are you unsure which honors a gentle has received?  The Order of Precedence
it the perfect place to check.  You can enter their SCA name in “Search”
(located in the left hand column) and you can see all their honors.

In addition to recommendations, don’t forget to update your event
information (and that of your family/household) on the Friends & Family
list.  This is a great way to help the Crown know what events a person will
be attending if a recommendation is submitted.  Without this assistance a
lovely recommendation can languish unfilled because the Crown is not able
to locate the person in a timely manner.   If you haven’t set this up yet
please consider doing so today.  The option to set up a list is found in
the left column after you log into the award recommendation page:

Lastly, remember you can recommend someone for any honor.  You do not have
to be a member of the Order to make a recommendation.

In service to Atlantia,

Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-Don

Secretary for Prince Cuan and Princess Signy
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