[MR] Student Registration now open for UofA Juniversity Session 101

Adriana la Bretonne baronessadriana at gmail.com
Fri May 17 06:07:42 PDT 2019

The course catalog for Atlantia's University Summer Session 101 is now open
for student pre-registration (

Date: Saturday, June 15
Location: New Covenant School, Lynchburg, VA
Acorn Event Flyer:

University of Atlantia website: http://university.atlantia.sca.org/index.php

Class Catalogue: http://university.atlantia.sca.org/catalog.php

Student Pre-registration closes on Thursday, June 12!

Or, you can always register in person the day of classes. There are many
limited space classes so register early and don't miss out! If you have
trouble registering online, but wish to take any limited attendance
classes, please email the Registrar with your wish list (
registrar at atlantia.sca.org).

Thank you to everyone who supports University as a teacher, student, or
event staff. University wouldn't exist without you!!! The University staff
sincerely appreciate your time and effort.

In service,
Baroness Adriana la Bretonne, OP
University of Atlantia Chancellor
Barony of Windmasters' Hill <http://www.windmastershill.org>
Kingdom of Atlantia <http://atlantia.sca.org>

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