[MR] Ymir II- Prince Christoph

Elizabeth Moss elizabethnmoss at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 10:59:52 PST 2019

Ymir- Prince Christoph:

Christoph sent as heir to Kiev
Dispatched with trust of kingly-father
To reign and rule, to ring
Steely helms of Khazars into submission,
Thus to forge his name in steel and fire
With blood, sword and thunder;
With princely blood as proof of name
As proof of right
As proof of might
Tide-breaker, bulwark maker.
The Khazars slink back sunken
Retreat to unknown lands,
To die unknown in desert sands.

Proud is Christoph’s brow, fine is his fighting band
In Kiev do they rest and hang swords
Make hearth, make home.

No word from northern father,
No bard bearing congratulations or celebrations,
None to say he had done well.
None to gainsay his direction.
So sits he upon Kievan throne
To reign and rule as his princely blood demands
Only his own wisdom to guide his ruling hands.

Snow now flows, spring soon to come.
A single rider runs south
With ominous word for Christoph, Prince
None shall know what Northern king says
Or what portends from Prince’s ways.


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