[MR] Fwd: [Sacredstone] Fwd: War of Wings 2016: Solars

Annora Hall via Atlantia atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Thu Jun 2 06:34:00 PDT 2016

> Greetings Atlantia,

> My name is Lady Annora Hall.  I serve as the deputy organizing the Cultural Affairs and Artisan's Village for War of Wings, October 12-16, in Booneville, NC.  As part of the Artisan's Village, my staff and I would like to open a series of shades as solars.  These solars will be congregating places for artists who create in similar mediums.  We would like to block at least a 4 hour time for each of the groups for each area of interest.  These areas may include but are not limited to brewing, cooking, leather working, wood working, metal working, glass, illumination / scribal arts, fiber arts, dying, etc. 

> If you are interested in participating in a solar, we have three ways you can participate:    Support a solar by coming to Artist's village and working on your art in the provided space, Volunteer to monitor a solar (open and welcome folks and collect any left behind items once the solar closes), or Sponsor a solar by suggesting an art or science, perhaps supplying a shade, or asking folks to participate.

> All sponsors and volunteers will be given credit at their solar, in the WOW staff list, and in my emails going to staff and populace.  My staff and I are interested in your suggestions and feedback. 

> Many thanks for your time.  We hope we will see you at WOW.

> In Service, Lady Annora Hall
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>                    The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
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