[MR] Battle on the Bay 2015 Tournament Information

Matthew Regan via Atlantia atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Mon Aug 10 14:28:00 PDT 2015

Now that Pennsic is over and we have all started unpacking our bins and
washing clothes it is time to turn our attention to Battle on the Bay!

We have a very interesting tournament lined up for BotB that you won't want
to miss!

Here is the description from Sir Aelfred of Cres - the MIC for BotB:

Battle of the Bay 2015: Samkeppni Ernir (Competition of Eagles)

Battle of the Bay for 2015: Samkppni Ernir, is compose of six
combined competitions designed to challenge the: most puissant of warriors;
skilled archers; and astute thinkers. This year's event consists of a
tournament of six parts, with the winner being the contestant who fares the
best over all.

Two parts are designed to challenge the mind; a series of heraldry and
chess puzzles to be pondered over and submitted for consideration by the
panel of judges. (You may only bring your innate knowledge to this

Two competitions to challenge the hand/eye coordination of our archers; one
in target archery, the other in combat archery. Finally, two parts
to challenge the warrior (heavy and rapier); a warlord tourney where honor
and renown will be earned by the victorious captain.

Points will be awarded for successfully competing in each of the six
parts and summed up at the end of the day. A winner will be announced for
each of the six parts as well as the overall champion.


Cormacc - Co-Autocrat BotB 2015

aut viam inveniam aut faciam

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