[MR] Poeta Atlantiae Deputy needed for Twelfth Night

sca_bard at yahoo.com sca_bard at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 26 10:53:32 PDT 2009

A call to the poets and wordsmiths of the land, particularly those in its southern reaches:

It is tradition that the mantle of Poeta Atlantiae is passed on at Twelfth Night.  But this year, your current Poeta will not be able to make Twelfth Night.  I will be having a baby in late November and will not be ready to travel from Storvik to far Falcon Cree in time.

So I am in search of a deputy who can run the Poeta Atlantiae competition.  I will take care of determining the form of the competition, themes, and so on (in consultation with their Majesties and with you, if you wish it), and I will publicize it in the Acorn and on the Merry Rose.  You will need to coordinate with the A&S coordinator for the event (to acquire a table or two), see that the appropriate forms are filled out (the A&S coordinator can help you there), recruit some other judges, and read and score the entries.

Please send me a note if you can help.

In service,
 - Lady Teleri the Well-Prepared, Poeta Atlantiae


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