[MR] Children's Activities at Coronation/B-Bday

Laurie Clarkston garadh at verizon.net
Sat Aug 15 11:51:52 PDT 2009

Coronation is fast approaching (August 28-30, 2009) and you might be wondering what activities are being scheduled for the Children of Atlantia.

Lady Jacintha of Highland Foorde will be running the Children's Activities.  She can be contacted at cynthia_haggerty at yahoo.com if you have any questions, or would like to help out.

Children's Activities will run from 2 to 4 PM.  

Some of the activities will include:
  * felting balls
  * make a scroll blank beginning illumination
  * lucet cording
  * games: hunker hauser, 9 man morris, other games that people can loan!
  * coloring
  * beaded necklaces/bracelets

A special Children's Feast will be available for those 12 and younger for free if you sign-up in advance 
(Menu subject to change). 
  a.. Hot dogs (all beef) 
  b.. French Fries 
  c.. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 
  d.. Juice boxes 
  e.. Apples 
Even if you are not planning to stay for Feast yourself, you might want to consider signing up your children.  They will be fed before regular feast is scheduled (somewhere around 5 pm).  If you have a pavilion you are packing up, or you wish to attend Court, you won't have to feel guilty that your children are starving!   When they are done eating, there will be DVDs for them to watch.

All you have to do is sign them up!

Lady Jacintha posted a request for supplies for Children's Activities.  If you are able to donate some of these items, please contact her directly.  The future artesians of Atlantia will be able to make their début on this day because of your generosity!
  a.. Wool fiber- roving in naturals and colors! 
  b.. Tennis or ping-pong balls- used is fine! 
  c.. water soluble paint- heraldic colors (and more!), blue, red, yellow, green, purple, orange, black, white, silver?, gold? 
  d.. Dixie cups 
  e.. paint brushes (tiny to small to medium) ones you don't mind not getting back! 
  f.. plastic table covering! 
  g.. cardboard lucets- two prongs and a place to hold on! 
  h.. gimp for beads- brown or black to mimic leather 
  i.. White or light colored duct tape for labeling kids (grin!) 
  j.. games 
  k.. Large banner (paper or cloth) 
  l.. Adult help!!!! >14 or older or <14 with their adults
To pre-register for Coronation, you have two options now; you can mail your information, or do it online using the ACCEPs Program--Both have deadlines!!  For more information, or for directions, go to the Barony of Stierbach's Website:  www.stierbach.org/events/coronation_birthday2009.php 

And don't forget, there are lots of activities scheduled for those Young at Heart Atlantians.  Mark your calendars to make sure you do not miss the Coronation of Vladimir and Kalisa, and the Baronial Birthday Celebrations of the Barony of Stierbach.


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