[MR] Fall University

Jen Thies jenthies at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 12:38:19 PDT 2009

Greetings good gentles,

I have received some queries regarding Fall University, and the
deadline to submit classes. Currently we do not yet have a bid in hand
(though one very close I hope!) so the call for classes and deadline
for submissions has not yet been set. Once we have an official bid
with paperwork, then I will put out the call for classes and list the
deadline then.

In the meantime, please consider how far you are willing to travel for
October University, and if you learned something at Pennsic, or
playing around at home, that you'd like to share with the rest of
Atlantia. University of Atlantia's strength is in her knowledgeable
and generous instructors.

Thank you all for your patience,
Genevieve d'Aquitaine
University Chancellor

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