[MR] Tourney of the Red Cross Demo

Duane Moore poetamilitarus at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 20 07:41:51 PDT 2004


In the Canton of River's Point, this sunday last a
small Passage of Arms was held in rememberance of the
attacks of 9/11. 

A dozen or so good men at arms did contend with the
ancient styles of sword and shield, poleaxe,
longsword, and spear. They fought at the barrier, in
the field, and with Flags. 

At the end of the day the Defender found most worthy
by his fellows was Lord Domenico, and likewise the
Challenger named the best of all comers was THL
Melisent of Caer Mear. 

In addtion, $125 was raised for the American Red
Cross. Many new friends were found, and great joy came
of it. 

Bryce de Byram 
Knight, OL

Sir Bryce de Byram,OL (Duane M. Moore) 100%Peer-Evil
Read my RANTS at: http://bdeb.diaryland.com/

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