[MR] Turning Leaves Updates

Karen wetsheep1 at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 14 16:29:11 PDT 2004

Greetings, gentles all!  Lady Almas has posted some updates and asked me to forward them on to you all:
  I've been notified that I have been terribly remiss in letting people know what the Marshalling activities will be at Turning Leaves.  For this I am sorry, and will have to admit to poor planning on my part that has led to this.
  Rapier will have two tourneys.  First running for Novices in which the order on the list will be done by the luck of the draw.  You will draw a card from the deck and this will assign your place on the list.  Second will be an open tourney that will begin the same, (luck of the draw) with the added difference that each bout you will roll a die to determine your off-hand parry device.  They are as follows:

  1.  Sword

  2.       Buckler

  3.       Dagger

  4.       Soft Parry Device

  5.       Unusual Parry Device

  6.       Nothing

  These will be run by William of Glencoe (mka Mark Bush) for those interested in MIT.  His email is markbush at adelphia.net

  Heavy will have a novice tourney and another open tourney.  Since the Novice tourney requires a minimum of fighters, there may be a belted or experienced/Novice team tournament in its place should we come up short.  There will also be an open tournament or melee as part of the days activities.  Sorry this is not more complete.  Heavy activities will be run by Fritz Justus Fritz (mka Fred Grundeman) for those interested in MIT.  His phone number is 804-346-9291; his e-mail is fjf1111 at yahoo.com

  We are also preparing for Thrown Weapons and Target Archery with Allen of Wolfhou (mka Allen Miller) being in charge of the classes and over-site of both.  His contact information is wolfhou at hotmail.com

  We also will be tucking in a SCA dancing class during the same time slots of the drumming and belly classes for those who are interested in dancing at or after feast.

  Children's activities will be running in the afternoon and will include but are not limited to colored sand jars, siege ammo and foam swords for exercises against non-living targets and opening the leaf of secrets.  Please be aware that this is not a baby-sitting service and that ALL children under 16 will need an accompanying adult.  One adult per child under age 6; one adult per two children ages 6 to 12; one adult per six children ages 13 to 16.  Also be aware that you do not have to be a child to participate in these activities..they are geared to be fun for all ages.

  Feast is sure to be wonderful and will have a limited seating.  Come early to avail yourself of entrance into the fine repast during the evening.

  In service,


In serivce,

Lady Magdalina Ilianova ("The Magpie")

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