[MR] Rapier at Crusades - Invasion of Porto de Macaco

coty kannon cotyis at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 9 07:53:26 PDT 2004

Rapier at Crusades
Invasion of Porto de Macaco

Greetings everyone I am Gaston and I am the RMIC this
year at Kingdom Crusades.   The rapier community has
been granted 3 war points this year, and we are going
to award them like this:  
	Champions battle 1 point 
	1st Town battle  1 point 
	2nd Town battle 1 point
I have attempted to break down the scenario for you in
this letter, I also answer some anticipated questions.
 If you have other questions please don’t hesitate to
contact me at Michael.Kannon at Quintiles.Com  and I will
do my best to clearly answer any issue you may have.
If you reply to this address (cotyis at yahoo) I may or
may not see it and it may be days before I respond.   


The story: 
The enemy has landed at our very dock!  Did they come
to take our fine wine?  Perhaps they are after the
gold kept within St. Basils?  Perhaps they are here to
steal away with Big Molly the barmaid, I mean nurse,
at the old provost rest home.  For what ever reason
they are here and intent on taking control of beloved
Porto De Macaco and it’s up to you to stop them.  
The setup:
	Champions’ battle
Nine champions will represent each side in one on one
schlager preferred competition.  First kingdom sends a
champion second kingdom answers.  They fight winner
gets a point.  Then second kingdom sends a champion
and first kingdom answers.  Kingdom with most points

	The Town Battle
This resurrection town battle is made up of 1 docked
ship (attackers res point), 5 town buildings and 1
church (defenders res point) for a total of 7
buildings.  The fight will be timed to 15 – 20 min
(depending on number of people)   The time will be
stopped every 5 min and a count will be made of each
building held at that time.  One point will be awarded
for each building held by each side. Every building,
including the ship and church can be captured.  If
your resurrection point is captured you may not
resurrect until your team recaptures the res point. 
You capture the building by entering the structure and
lowering your enemy flag and raising your own flag.  
The scenario will be run twice once as attacker and
once as defender.  The winner is the one with the most
points at the end of each scenario.  A war point will
be scored for the winner of each scenario.

These are the negotiated rules as they were agreed
upon by me and the eastern representative

•	The melees are epee default the champions are
schlager preferred.  
•	Pistols are allowed in the melee archery is not nor
are siege weapons. 
•	Fouling from behind is ok but no bear hugs. 
•	No point stalking
•	No attack without clear engagement IE no death from
•	No ignoring engagement
•	You must be inside the building to raise or lower
your flag 
•	All holds are general holds. (They stop the field
and time)
•	No math a hit is a hit, and dead is dead. 
•	No suicide

Questions and Answers:
What does Schlager preferred mean? 
	That means if you are able you fight with the heavier
bladed weapons then do.  If you are not able then work
out weapons between fighters. 
May a champion fight more then once?

How many shots at I allowed for my pistol or caliver? 
	No more then 4 per pistol.

May I glean shot during combat or holds? 

What does “No Math, hit is hit” mean?
	No math, a hit is “positive pressure in line with the
blade”. I will demonstrate before we begin for anyone
who is not sure what that might be.  There is no
“light” a blow lands or it does not. 

What happens if our resurrection point gets taken and
we all die? 
	All hope to save your villiage is lost. Time is
stopped and the remaining points go your opponent.  

Where do we start?
	Defenders start inside any building they choose
(except ship) attackers start on ship. 

How do we capture a building?
	Enter the building through the door and while inside
the building raise your flag (which will lower your
opponents) highest flying flag holds the building. In
the event of “perfectly even” flag no point for that
building will be awarded. 

Can we recapture a building?
	Yes you can capture and recapture any building
including res points.
What do you mean by bear hug
	Coming from behind and wrapping both arms around
someone. Fouling should be done from one side or the
other.  In a bear hug your opponent has no safe
direction to travel. 

Define engagement 
	"Engagement” is obtained when the opponent has
acknowledged your presence verbally, makes a offensive
or defensive combat movement, or eye to eye contact. 
If some one ignores engagement they will be called
dead by a marshal and removed from combat for the
remainder of the current scenario.  They will also
make an appearance in marshals’ court.

Define draw cut. 
	A Draw Cut is to pull OR PUSH 8 inches of blade upon
the opponent while the blade maintains noticeable and
constant pressure against the opponent This length is
for all size blades.  

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