[MR] (no subject)

Merritt, Cheryl merritt at tatrc.org
Fri Sep 3 05:17:30 PDT 2004

Greetings all!


I don't normally post, but after reading the below statement, felt I
should defend both my gender, as well as my fellow soldiers. (Although I
confess I am now retired after having served our country proudly for
over 23 years).




"Of course, they will never have truly equal rights until they
successfully demand equal responsibilities like being drafted and
serving in all combat roles.




I would like to point out two things:


First, we no longer have a draft. A bit surprising, I know, but 'tis


Second, although women do not serve in "combat roles" that is a loosely
defined term. I consider Air Defense Artillery to be combat...and we've
had women serve there. There are a large number of female medics...and
while they aren't fighters, they certainly do see combat. To say that
because women aren't sharing their equal responsibilities because they
aren't allowed to serve in combat is to diminish the very great
contributions that our women warriors have made in the past, and
continue to make today.


OK. Off my soapbox. (It's hard to take the uniform off after 23









Cheryl A. Merritt

Congressional Liaision

merritt at tatrc.org

301 619-7929 (work)

301 639-3608 (cell)

301 619-2518 (fax)


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