[MR] Rendering Aid (Courtesy)

CKE celtk9equine at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 4 06:12:26 PDT 2004

Donning Ms. Manner's hat:

Each side of this debate makes very valid points and
neither position is truly wrong or right.  Some people
would resent unrequested assistance and others would
resent assistance not being offered if needed.  No one
is a mind reader, at least to my knowledge :)

If you see someone who may need assistance, common
(and chivalric) courtesy would demand that you ask if
he/she/they would like help. (And either a "Yes" or a
"No" response demands a "thank you" to follow.) 
Waiting to be asked may not work as the person may be
too focused on struggling with whatever it they are
struggling with to see you standing there.   Likewise
a different person may not appreciate or understand
your motives when you just jump in and 'grab' their

Now - tongue in check -

> how can you expect someone to do a Christian deed 
> if they do not know your need?

I strongly suspect a gentleman (or lady for that
matter) seeing a VERY attractive lady (or gentleman)
in need of assistance is NOT going to wait for a
request for said assistance, but will simply ask if
that person would like help.   This isn't wrong or
bad, it's human nature, and as someone else said a
great way to meet people.  Therefore, apply that rule
when you think about courtesy - treat everyone you see
in need of assistance as an attractive someone you
would like to know better and OFFER your assistance. 
If your offer is accepted, wonderful, if rejected, oh
well - at least you made the effort.

Disappearing back into the mists...

~ Ysolt de la Mere
  Barony Caer Mear

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