[MR] Pennsic Escort Service (Was, woman attacked at Pennsic)

Dave Montuori damont at wolfstar.com
Thu Sep 2 23:06:51 PDT 2004

Scripsit Cecily:
> Once upon a time when rocks were soft, I ran the Campus Escort Service
> at William & Mary.

Ah yes... I worked Escort at W&M in my undergrad days (which, by the above 
scale, was probably when rocks were still just a concept document).

If we could get the volunteers, having an escort service at Pennsic would 
be a wonderful thing -- the other implementation details are tractable 
once you have the people power. 

> 4.  Dispatch.  How do you let the official Escort know you need a walk?
> Pennsic hasn't got a phone to use in every encampment to call the
> dispatcher.  This is the hardest fix, I think.  Plus, you'd actually
> need a number to call to get the walk in the first place.

That is where your idea of substations comes in handy. One or two people 
with a radio doing a sitdown watch real close to their own camp. One might 
try to recruit entire encampments located at strategic points to provide 
space and/or staff.

In conjunction with this idea, Escorts might be better off doing a trip
in pieces as well -- Escort A takes people back and forth between the 
substations around the lake, escort B for Runestone Hill, and so on; so a 
hypothetical trip from the Bog to Dagan's Dell might involve several 
escorts: person A takes you from the Bog to the south end of Horde Hill, 
then person B takes you from there to Security, er, Public Safety; thence 
person C takes you across the Serengeti and person D takes you up the 
hill. I'm not sure if this would work better or worse than having one 
person escort the entire trip.

But honestly, I think it all boils down to if enough folks could be 
persuaded to volunteer.


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