[MR] Woman Attacked at Pennsic

M. Brett ragsdale at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 2 08:01:56 PDT 2004

I'd like to put in my 2 cents.

This woman was not the only person attacked at Pennsic. A friend of 
mine who lives in the east was stumbling home drunk, was hit on the 
head and knocked to the ground by someone behind them. This friend is a 
The point is, in addition to what everyone has been saying that the SCA 
isn't only "safe" people, and Men as well as Women need to remember 
that. Please, please don't go places by yourself, especially at large 
events like Pennsic. Find a friend, or at least someone from your 
area/household to go with you. I'm 5'2", and I have been known to tell, 
not ask, my guy friends (in the SCA and in daily life) that they are 
walking me home/to the car.

Be safe!

-Ana Bek.

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