[MR] Event Calendar

Michael Houghton herveus at radix.net
Fri Dec 17 05:24:43 PST 2004


On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 08:20:57AM -0500, Charlotte Wurtzel wrote:
> >Secondly, at one point there were limitations placed on when information to
> >be included for events could be posted by the Chronicler on a kingdom web
> >page.  (That is one reason why local groups were encouraged to put flyers on
> >their sites.)  This was an attempt to force people to get memberships to get
> >information and keep sustaining membership up.  (The phrase I have seen is
> >to "add to the perceived value of membership", but that is what it boils
> >down to.)
> Was this at a society level? Because it certainly has never been an issue in the
> three other kingdoms that I've lived in.
> If it's kingdom policy, it's silly. The purpose of a website is to get the most
> information out possible, not to hide it to force people to get the paper pub.
> It maybe be par for the course for a person to have to search all over creation
> for event information in Atlantia, but that's not useful for a new SCA person,
> or somebody new to the kingdom.

It's kingdom policy, being  paragraph 6.9.1 in the Book of Policy
<http://law.atlantia.sca.org/Policy.html#6>, and has been that way for some years

If you want to see an example of extreme utility, I recommend the East Kingdom's
event calendar...

Michael and MJ Houghton   | Herveus d'Ormonde and Megan O'Donnelly
herveus at radix.net         | White Wolf and the Phoenix
Bowie, MD, USA            | Tablet and Inkle bands, and other stuff
                          | http://www.radix.net/~herveus/wwap/

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