[MR] Event Site Owned By Windmaster! Want to make it happen?

david wendelken davewendelken at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 21 17:46:41 PDT 2003


It's getting harder to find affordable event sites and the problem will only get worse with time.

If you are interested in working with me to find a way to affordably acquire a suitable site in central NC for the SCA to control/own for the purpose of holding SCA events, you may want to read further.  

If not, that delete button isn't far away! :)

Please respect the other keep members and do not clog up this email list with lots of comments about this.  I have set up a special email list for just this purpose and believe that the discussion belongs on it.  The necessary information to subscribe to it is listed below.  

Thanks in advance for your consideration of others! :)

This is a private initiative with absolutely no SCA-granted authority at this time.  My intent is to explore the feasibility of such a project with the resources that individuals in this barony can bring to bear and/or the kingdom can bring to bear.  

I am looking for individuals with at least the following skill sets, who would be willing to donate their time for this purpose:

Skill Sets:
Lawyer (Real Estate specialty)

Lawyer (Non-Profit Corporation specialty)


Construction Cost Estimation Skills

Time and Vehicle to explore potential sites 

Grant Writer

Knowledge from Prior Non-Profit Land Acquisition Efforts

Other Pertinent Skills?

SCA Officer with Contract-signing authority (and a desire to hold events in central NC.)

I am also looking for people with the following resource sets:

Resource Sets:
Financial Backer

The expectation is that when a suitable site is found, a group of Financial Backers will sign a contract to purchase the land, provided (of course!) they think it's a feasible investment and that they want to work with the other backers.
Details of said contract will have to be worked out.

Assume that a backer must have the ability to put $2000 down up front, and allocate $200 a month for five years before the site can pay for itself and begin to pay back the financial backers.

When the land is paid for, the site developed, and the financial backers re-imbursed, the intent is to put the land under the ownership of the SCA in some fashion.  (Let's face it, as long as the banks will hold the backers liable for paying for the land, they would be darn fools for giving it away, assuming the bank would even let them do it!)  

At that time, the land would operate as a revenue center for the SCA group that owns it, because they could rent it out to other groups when it is not needed for local events.

Volunteer Labor:
Other than noted above under skill sets, no volunteers are needed at this time.  Once we get some land, that will change big-time!

Imagine a site with a huge great hall, plenty of camping and cabin space, sheltered meeting areas, and a custom-built battlefield area!  Different structures could be made to look like different time periods and cultures.

Occasional Donors:
Until a workable financial arrangement is worked out, and the feasibility of the project is proven, no donations are needed at this time.  But set it aside for later!

Final Comments and Contact Info

As you can see, I'm looking for folks who are both **serious** about making a local event site possible **and** who have the skill sets or resources to make a significant impact on getting this project going.  

Since financial backers will be discussing matters that pertain to their private finances, I'm sure you can understand why we don't want this to be a wide open discussion on the internet!  So, I would like to keep this limited (for now only!) to individuals with the requested skill sets or resource sets.  Thanks in advance for your interest and cooperation!

To join the discussion, send a message with your sca name, mundane name, address, and work and home phone numbers, along with a description of what skills or resources you bring to the project to:

windmasterlandfund-subscribe at yahoogroups.com 

Messages after you join are posted to:

Post message: windmasterlandfund at yahoogroups.com 

If and when we determine that the project is financially and legally feasible for the project members to pull off, we'll provide the necesary details for a full public discussion of the merits of the idea.

If we determine that it is not feasible, we will make a report of our findings publically available so that others can try again in the future (and won't have to work so hard).

In Service,

Andras Salamandra

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