[MR] Event Site Owned By Windmaster! Want to make it happen?

Michael Houghton herveus at radix.net
Fri Aug 22 07:15:41 PDT 2003


On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 08:46:41PM -0400, david wendelken wrote:

> When the land is paid for, the site developed, and the financial
> backers re-imbursed, the intent is to put the land under the ownership
> of the SCA in some fashion.  (Let's face it, as long as the banks will
> hold the backers liable for paying for the land, they would be darn
> fools for giving it away, assuming the bank would even let them do it!)

The recent BoD minutes had items relating to Caerthe (Denver) and their
activities in this direction. Of note was the statement that the SCA
does not want to get into the business of owning land. Branches that 
want to make this happen will need to set up a separate corporation for
that purpose. Funds gathered in an SCA account for this purpose can be
transferred to that corporation by BoD action. 

> At that time, the land would operate as a revenue center for the SCA
> group that owns it, because they could rent it out to other groups when
> it is not needed for local events.

...or rather for the separate 501-c(3) corporation set up to own and
operate the site.

Michael and MJ Houghton   | Herveus d'Ormonde and Megan O'Donnelly
herveus at radix.net         | White Wolf and the Phoenix
Bowie, MD, USA            | Tablet and Inkle bands, and other stuff
                          | http://www.radix.net/~herveus/

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