[MR] interesting new site (fwd)

Craig Levin clevin at ripco.com
Mon Sep 30 09:12:20 PDT 2002

> 	Yes and No. Yes it would be good to have and there have recently
> been at least one start-up and several inquiries into the process. No it
> should not be Atlantian, if it is too connected to a NFP operation then I
> believe that the red-tape and committee structures will keep it from ever
> happening. The ones of these that work are all privately owned by people who
> want to work with the SCA, i.e.. Pennsic.

I know that the former "West Kingdom Land Fund" has been split
off from the SCA as a separate non-profit entity, in order to
preserve its funds in case something happened to the SCA, Inc.
itself. I can't see a reason why that'd be a problem. After all,
lots of other non-profits (churches, BSA councils, etc.) hold
campgrounds, and we've leased these properties for events many
times. Any "Atlantian Land Fund" property would probably have to
do likewise-that is, lease not just to SCA groups (though perhaps
at a discount), but also to other groups or even individuals
seeking to enjoy the fresh air.

I'm not well-versed in how campgrounds are run, but something
tells me that it's as complex as any other development.

> 	Now a great research project would be to locate these campgrounds,
> lands, timeshares etc, and their owners in order to compare services, costs,
> designs, business models etc. Maybe even a cooperative mailing list and a
> cooperative advertising web page.

Wish I had the time, because it does sound nifty to do...:-\


clevin at rci.ripco.com
Craig Levin				Librarians Rule: Oook!

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