[MR] interesting new site (fwd)

Craig Levin clevin at ripco.com
Mon Sep 30 09:50:56 PDT 2002


> Greetings Everyone,
> have you seen this? http://www.darkagescommunity.com/
> should we look at getting a Atlantian piece of land?

Seen it. Not sure I'd want to buy in, myself. A massive event in
mid-July? I think they'd have a lot of trouble attracting more
than local participation. I don't have enough time off to go to
IA and then to Pennsic.

As for Atlantia owning land-I think, for sanity's sake, that a
separate outfit would have to be established, much like the
West's land fund is currently another NP. FWIW, the West Kingdom
Land Fund (now known as the Kingdom Historical Trust, Inc)
website is www.khti.org . Lots of information about how much
money they're trying to raise, what the projected costs would
be, etc.

clevin at rci.ripco.com
Craig Levin				Librarians Rule: Oook!

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