[MR] Rappahannock Duck Race - AE Online, Inc.

Jeanne jeanne at atasteofcreole.com
Mon Sep 23 14:35:37 PDT 2002

  Here is the link for pictures I took at the Sudentur Demo this past
weekend.  It is divided into 2 pages.  there are 44 pictures and I know some
people do not have DSL.  We only had 2 heavy fighters show up so we worked
those poor guys!  We have been invited back for next year and we hope to
have Rapier and the like.  There was interest in dancing, but the dance
coordinator cancelled at the last minute and we couldn't find another.  Next
year we hope to have one and our plans are to include the audience.  We had
a very good turn out.  There was a lot of interest expressed.  My teenage
daughter kept coming up asking if we could do SOME dancing (around our
section) and people I was talking to was VERY impressed with a teenager
WANTING to dance!  Sparked quite a bit of interest.


we are having a follow-up Open House on October 5th at the Christian
Community Center at Mary Washington University for anyone who would like to
attend and help out!  The Ren Club on campus will be joining us so we hope
to have a wonderful turn out!

Look forward to seeing you there!


Soffya Tudja
Magyar  Ajándékok
Order of St. Roche
Incipient Canton of Sudentur
Barony of Stierbach
Kingdom of Atlantia

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