[MR] A&S Judges at Coronation

JRay864 at aol.com JRay864 at aol.com
Mon Sep 9 12:00:23 PDT 2002

Vivats to those good gentles at Coronation who sent such kind words to my 
daughter, Kit of Duncan's Chapel (aka Julia Ray), concerning her first A&S 
project.  She was reticent about entering her woven doll's shawl in 
competition so, being the dutiful and proud Mom, I entered it for her without 
her knowledge.   
Some of you old timers may remember the heartache involved in bringing her 
into this world seven years later than we planned.  She is the joy of our 
heart with Arkein's height and red hair, and my blue eyes.  It pleases us 
greatly to see each and every one of her accomplishments.
Thank you again,
Katherine Campbell, of Argyle and Arkein Steinschleifer von Uberstein (Mike 
and Janie Ray)

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