[MR] Armor request in Houston TX

Kerri Martinsen kerrimart at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 5 19:16:00 PDT 2002

Here is a request that I'm hoping someone can forward to the appropriate

Houston Grand Opera in Houston TX is in need of 3 full sets of METAL armor
for a stage fight scene.  Sound is important, "legal" is not.  I don't have
specifics on the look, but I'm assuming "knight in shining armor" type of

Does anyone have any contacts on where to purchase/ rent/ etc. this kind of
armor? I have already put them in contact with the local seneschal, but any
other suggestions are welcome.

Please cross post at will and respond privately to

Kerri Martinsen
kerrimart at mindspring.com

Thank you!

Lady Hrosvitha von Celle
Per pale sable and gules, a fret and on a point pointed argent a pair of
shears inverted sable.

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