[MR] Newcomer's Badges & Stuff

chrissings at juno.com chrissings at juno.com
Wed Sep 4 14:47:38 PDT 2002

Thanks for sharing your story Donal.  We have a local newcomer who
exhibited a great deal of initiative by reading the entire Known World
Handbook before she contacted us, researched and constructed some lovely
garb to wear to her first event, and was so well informed that we could
not believe she was new to the Society.
Fortunately, the members of the local group greeted her warmly and made
her feel welcome even though it was not obvious that she was a Newcomer.

The "newcomer's badge idea" is one of the many projects that this office
is working on.

We (the local Chatelaines and I) were thinking of a simple blue ribbon
with a white key painted on or a key charm of some sort.  Any additional
ideas would be appreciated.  

A question to "Atlantian Pewter casters" how costly would it be to
produce small pewter keys for such a purpose? (please respond to me
privately at chrissings at juno.com).

As a basic rule...if you see someone at an event that you don't know
smile, say hello and introduce yourself.  Even if the person isn't new to
the SCA, it never hurts to exchange a friendly greeting...who knows...you
may end up with a new friend.

Yours in Service,
Baroness Arianna Morgan
Chatelaine, Kingdom of Atlantia

On Wed, 04 Sep 2002 15:57:24 -0400 JBRMM266 at aol.com writes:
> At my first event (East Kingdom XII Night, AS VIII) I had a rather 
> intriguing problem.
> I had what for then was a pretty good outfit (I'd made it the day 
> before, sound familiar?) and having studied Shakespeare, I was 
> "speaking forsoothly" with little effort (in those days that was 
> given more points than now).  When asked whence I came, I told them 
> I was from the then-incipient shire of Thescorre and that it was my 
> first event.
> No one believed me.  They thought I was playing coy, I guess.
> I had a good time anyway, but I always smile when I hear people tell 
> of going to a first event rather well turned out as a result of 
> research or generosity, and no one realizing (or for that matter 
> believing ) that they're new . . . 
> I don't suppose some sort of "first-timer" badge would be in order.  
> Something that folks would recognize but wouldn't look too glaring?
> Your servant
> Donal
>                    The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
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