[MR] There's a new kid in town

JBRMM266 at aol.com JBRMM266 at aol.com
Wed Sep 4 12:57:24 PDT 2002

At my first event (East Kingdom XII Night, AS VIII) I had a rather intriguing problem.

I had what for then was a pretty good outfit (I'd made it the day before, sound familiar?) and having studied Shakespeare, I was "speaking forsoothly" with little effort (in those days that was given more points than now).  When asked whence I came, I told them I was from the then-incipient shire of Thescorre and that it was my first event.

No one believed me.  They thought I was playing coy, I guess.

I had a good time anyway, but I always smile when I hear people tell of going to a first event rather well turned out as a result of research or generosity, and no one realizing (or for that matter believing ) that they're new . . . 

I don't suppose some sort of "first-timer" badge would be in order.  Something that folks would recognize but wouldn't look too glaring?

Your servant

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