[Archers] forwarded from the Kingdom Marshal's list.

Lorelei Elkins ladygreenleafe at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 05:47:50 PDT 2017

Interested in being event MiC?  This class would help.

M. Lorelei


Have you thought ever thought to yourself, "Those Marshals in charge are
pretty awesome, I wonder if I could be awesome like that."  Did you take
the class for your specific area of marshal focus, but still need the field
marshal class?  Do you need a refresher on how to run marshal activities at
an event?

This Thursday, April 20th at 7:30PM, I will be teaching the Field Marshal
201 class.  This class is a prerequisite to obtain a warrant in *all*
marshal disciplines.

This class will be taught in Google Hangouts.  Neither a google account or
a web camera is required.  Though a modern web browser, working microphone,
working speakers, and a high speed internet connect is required.

This class has a maximum capacity of 20 participants.  If you would like to
take part, please email me at bmc at shmoo.com

If this Thursday does not work for you, don't fret, we'll be doing this
again soon.  Additionally, this class will continue to be taught through
Atlantia's University system.

Master Brian de Moray, Kingdom Rapier Marshal
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