[Archers] Custom Target Advice

morgul@sc.rr.com morgul at sc.rr.com
Fri Sep 9 12:39:20 PDT 2016

I've actually never had an issue with the rods taking damage and causing problems in the years that I've been using them.Then again, they may not be fiberglass.  I'm honestly not sure.  I'll look into that.
Of course, everyone's mileage may very, and Jonthas' warning about nicked fiberglass is good information to have.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Jonathas" <Jonathas at redfoxden.org>
To: "Cameron deGrey" <camerondegrey at gmail.com>
Cc: "archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org" <Archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
Subject: [Archers] Custom Target Advice
Date: Fri, Sep 9, 2016 3:17 PM


I use a construction method very similar to yours, but more layers as many at my local practice like crossbows (gee, wonder why?).  I generally use 5 layers - 2 cardboard, foam, 2 cardboard, foam, 2 cardboard.  

One thing I will warn strongly against is the fiberglass rods.  They are fun for specific targets, like lollipops (small target on top of a single rod, so it bounces all over the place making repeat hits a challenge), but for general target stands fiberglass rods are bad.  The problem is once they get hit, even nicked lightly, the fiberglass is exposed.  This is a problem in that most of the time archers are more than willing to help take down the range at the end of the day, but many are inexperienced and therefor the exposed fiberglass is a real problem that they don't know about.  Anyone who has ever experienced fiberglass will not willingly volunteer to help again!!  Yes, people can be taught to wear gloves and look out for the exposed fiberglass, but that does not cover the newer archers who see everyone else pitching in, so they do too.

Instead I prefer to use re-bar, yes some are thinking "and this is *better*?? That shatters arrows!!", but wait there's more!  When I make the target I try to cut the second layer of foam a bit narrower than the other 4 layers.  Into this slight gap I duck tape a length of 1/2" CPVC pipe to both sides of the target.  Setup becomes, drive a short length of re-bar in the ground slide the pipe down over re-bar, move to next target.  Take down becomes, slide the target up off the re-bar and pull the re-bar out of the ground.  Generally the three layers of target slow arrows down enough that even when they do make it to the cpvc pipe they do not have enough energy to break the pipe and shatter against the re-bar.  Also since the pipe is at the very edge of the target, it is far away from the target area in the first place, and many arrows that might otherwise hit the pipe instead skip off the corner of the target in front.

Adding to the collective knowledge base, your mileage may vary.....

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Cameron deGrey <camerondegrey at gmail.com> wrote:
I whipped up a post for you Jay!




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