[Archers] Pennsic

JAMES FRAILEY seamusmcray at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 07:28:33 PDT 2016

Dear Archers of Atlantia,

I have a couple of requests.

If you are attending Pennsic and are planning on going to the archery
range, I ask you to please sign up for at least one shift. I know its
everyones vacation but it would be very helpful to lend a hand for
everyones benefit.

If you are able please come up to the archery range on Saturday of peace
week and participate in the St. Sebastian's shoot. Also after you shoot the
Saint Sebastian please lend a hand marshaling. It is a long day and we all
could use some help.

Please come up and try out for the Champions team. We do not have many
slots but I encourage everyone to come up to the range and have some fun.
(practices will be posted before Pennsic)

Finally, if you are a combat archer please come up to inspection point and
lend a hand.

Thank you all very much and I hope to see you soon.

In service,

Lord Seamus McRay
Atlantia Archery DEM
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