[Archers] UnEvent Summary

JAMES FRAILEY seamusmcray at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 14:06:34 PST 2016

Good evening. I want to thank all the archers that attended UnEvent this
year. To get credit for this event you will need to go to the Marshal page
and fill out Request a warrant. In the future I encourage creating a sign
in sheet for classes so you can verify that everyone gets credit. I did not
do that at UnEvent and I am sorry I didn’t. This is new. We will all will
need to get a Atlantia Enterprise Logon (AEL) if you do not have one yet.  (

UnEvent  Summary.

We had a productive conversation on the following topics:

   - Minors on the range
   - How WOW needs to be marshaled for success
   - How to attract new archers to the range

I started the day by thanking all of our archers for all the hard work they
have done through out the year especially at Pennsic. Then we had a very
active conversation about minors on the range. I pulled from Society rules
some wording on minors at events.

*(Parents or guardians of minors shall have ultimate responsibility for the
welfare and behavior of their children at all times. It is the
responsibility of the adult who brings a minor to an event to ensure that
the minor is safe and not in danger. **At events and activities in which
youth participate in any way, participating minors must either have a
parent or legal guardian present at the event/activity,** or an adult
present in possession of a properly executed “Medical Authorization Form
for Minors.”  This Medical Authorization Form must designate an adult
present at the event or activity as able to authorize medical treatment in
the case of emergency (a form of temporary guardianship). *

So the final word until I hear different from the Kingdom Seneschal or Earl
Marshal, the final word is no minor may be on the archery range without
Parent or Legal Guardian.

Next we went into a discussion about how we can all help run WOW. The
suggestions were run it much like we run Pennsic archery. We will need
range marshals to help each day. Then many volunteer marshal to help run
the ranges and do inspections. The recommendation is to have marshals put
in a shift to make sure we have coverage. Also we don’t want marshals
getting burned out. Mistress Lorelei has provide a guideline for running
WOW Below. We all agreed that plans should start early to insure we get
plenty of help. Really early.

This is a large event and we need many marshals to make target archery
safe, fun and memorable. Please volunteer.

This plays into another thing we talked about, how do we get new archers

This will be an ongoing conversation and I welcome any input from you all.

Below is a summary and guide to running WOW:

*Running the Archery Range at War of the Wings*

*By Mistress Lorelei Greenleafe 2015*

*Ahead of time*

   - Talk with the autocrat about where the range will be located.  I
   understand it will be across the pond for WoW 2016.  If you situate the
   range like we had it a few years ago, it will work well.   There should be
   plenty of room for a kids range back to back.* (Eduard didn't have a
   kids range.)*
   - Make sure the cows are off the field at least two weeks ahead of
   time.  This will give the poop an opportunity to dry.  Yes, if the cows
   have been there, you’ll have to shovel poo.  Tim and I typically do this
   the weekend before.  *(Cows are permanently gone now.)*
   - Check the range for other debris like twigs, sticks big holes, etc.*
   (We filled in a lot of these.)*
   - Mark off the rear 100 yards with safety tape and signage.  You may
   have some people behind the range wandering about if they move some other
   activity to the old archery range.
   - Coordinate with thrown weapons to see where they want to set up, but
   we get first dibs because of our safety zone issues.
   - Post EARLY on the archery and kingdom lists for marshaling assistance
   and then post again, and again to remind people.
   - Coordinate with local folks to help with range set up (and poo
   - You have a small budget, around $200 I believe, so save all your
   - Schedule people to help you break down the range on Sunday.
   - Discuss prizes for both adults and youth.  The youth are typically
   happy with dollar store items.
   - Ask the autocrat if prizes being donated or are you responsible for
   getting them?  If it’s up to you, save receipts and turn them in.  Things
   like cool medieval mugs or bling is fun.

*Marshals:  Range Marshal, Line Marshals, Inspection Marshals (and MiTs) *

   - Designated Range Marshal:  It doesn’t have to be you all the time.
   This person should be an experienced marshal, not a newbie. This person
   will oversee the area safety.  Their responsibilities are: Making sure the
   MiTs are doing what they need to be doing for inspections and running the
   line.  Check that your line marshals are hydrated and switched out when
   necessary.  Make sure no one is trying to carry on a conversation with the
   line marshals.  Keep an eye on the line for new archers or safety issues.
   They are NOT running the line.  They are keeping order.
   - Designated Line Marshals:   We need at least two to run the line at
   all times.  Schedule two hour blocks for the Line Marshals and three hour
   blocks for the Range Marshal.  Schedule three at a time because someone
   might not show up or have something come up.  This way you can switch them
   out so they get a break.  Their sole job is running the line.  Use the
   extra marshal that you have scheduled (or other marshals on the line that
   you know) to help new archers.
   - Inspection Marshals: Generally there are plenty around, but again,
   schedule people for this task.  MiTs are a great help with inspections and
   it’s good experience for them.  They can help out with loaner gear too.

*Equipment & Set up*

   - At least 10 targets.  At least 3 of which are designated for War
   Points.  You’ll have a couple hundred people coming by to shoot so make
   sure the targets are sturdy.
   - Two pop up shade tents.  One is your command post with your stuff for
   inspections and loaner equipment, the other tent can be for your marshals
   or populace and a water jug which will be supplied by the water people.
   (Marshals only in your command post.)
   - There are two dry erase boards in the shed (you may need markers) I
   suggest using that for posting a schedule (do this on line as well) and the
   other for marshal shift sign up.
   - Ask ahead for people to bring loaner gear if they have any.  We always
   run short.
   - Archery netting.  There are three nets in the shed with the poles and
   ropes.  Bring (buy) extra rope and stakes to stake the netting poles out.
   - There are some stakes and fiberglass poles in the shed to stake out
   the targets but check ahead of time for what’s there and what you may need
   to bring.
   - Duct tape and clear tape
   - Extra safety zone flagging and extra rope.
   - I don’t remember if I set up “gates” last year to shoot from like you
   see at Pennsic, but it’s not a bad idea.
   - Some people will want to shoot Royal Rounds, so I suggest having one
   side of your range set up for this.  These targets will get the most action
   so make sure they are sturdy.

*Kids Range*

   - You need a completely different person to run the kids range.  Not
   you.  You are the MiC and you should be sitting back and seeing to safety
   and such.
   - Purchase (or have the person running the range purchase) some prizes
   for the kids.
   - Make sure the times for the kids range are posted clearly.  You need
   two marshals at all times on the kids range.  Never less.  The line marshal
   is there to run the line, not do inspections or talk to the parents.
   - Make sure the parents are RIGHT there with their kids.  Especially if
   they have not shot before.
   - When setting up the kids range, use a shooting line with gates,
   otherwise they bunch up on each other.  Have another line (rope) 5 feet
   behind this that the other kids waiting need to stay behind.
   - If there are not enough marshals to run the kids range, close it down
   and move the kids to one end of the War Points Range.
   - No parent is allowed to drop their kids at the kids range and then go
   shoot on the War Points Range.  They need to be with their kids.  Period.
   If parents want their kids to shoot at the War Points Range, that’s fine,
   but they still need to be right there with them watching.


   - I typically set up the range on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday
   morning and have it open Thursday by lunchtime for open shooting, warm up,
   - War points are shot on Friday and Saturday unless that changes.
   - There is typically a night shoot on Friday night which is a fund
   raiser for whatever charity they give to that year. I suggest getting
   someone to run it for you so you get a break or someone help you run it.
   Start it at 7:30 PM. It will be dark by then.
   - There will be people who want to use the range for classes.  What I’ve
   done in the past is have the range open for classes at 5PM after the range
   is closed to the populace.  You’re handing off the Range Marshal
   responsibilities to the person teaching the class.  No one should be
   shooting if they are not in the class.
   - Have a designated time for Royal Rounds.  Example: Royal Rounds will
   be shot each day between 3 and 4 PM.  This gives you an hour overlap for
   people to do stuff before the range closes.
   - In the past, the range has been opened from 9 or 10, to 4 or 5,
   depending on how much help you get.  Make sure the schedule is posted
   clearly and that it gets in the printed materials for WoW.  (So do this
   - It’s up to you if you want to open the range for a bit on Sunday
   morning.  I suggest only having one range open though, not two.
   - Make sure you schedule yourself some down time.  This job is
   exhausting.  Give yourself an hour for lunch and go back and lay down, eat,
   re-hydrate. Take breaks when you turn the range over the other Range

I’m sure I’ll add to this at some point, but it’s a good outline to follow
for now.  Please ask questions.


In service,

Lord Seamus McRay

Atlantia Archery DEM

In service,

Lord Seamus McRay
Atlantia Archery DEM
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