[Archers] The Winter Challenge

Grimm grimm at grimmsfield.com
Tue Dec 16 08:43:50 PST 2014

My good and noble friends of the Bow,

                It is with a heavy heart that I must report some disturbing
news. We in Atlantia have always considered ourselves the masters of the bow
in the Knowne Worlde, Yet I am afraid our numbers are not showing it. For
the last 21 years the Gwyntarian Archer's Guild has hosted a winter
challenge to all archers (http://web.raex.com/~obsidian/wint.html). This is
the perfect opportunity for us to prove our boast of missile supremacy are
not just the idle talk of old men(and women) by the fire. Right now we do
not even represent 20% of the shooters in the challenge and 2 kingdoms have
greater numbers than we do. Along with that, we only have 2 archers in the
top 10. I am well aware that the Barony of Stierbach is the undisputed
capitol of archery in Atlantia but I did not expect that 8 of the 9 archers
with scores would be from here. Ponte Alto is the only other barony
represented on the list and that is through Stierbach's good graces. I seem
to recall many a boast of archery prowess through the spring and summer, yet
now that the weather has turned, where are the Atlantians.  To this end, The
Honorable Company at Grimmsfield does hereby offer this challenge. To any
Barony or Shire that can field more archers that Stierbach, We will donate a
loaner bow or $25.00 to their archery program! This will go up to the top 4
lands above Stierbach . I want to prove to the Knowne Worlde that Stierbach
is not just good at hosting shoots and talking big, but is able to put their
bows behind their words. 

Your servant & Top Atlantian Archer in the Winter Challenge,


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