Charles Sprouse sprousecp at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 08:00:23 PDT 2014

Enequy, 1 of them already is in the fall, this is discussing moving the other to the fall, which would put them both close together in the fall and leave none for the Spring.  As it stands now, Royal is in Spring and Lochmere in fall, traditionally speaking.

 From: enequy <enequy at verizon.net>
To: 'Archery List' <archers at atlantia.sca.org> 
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 9:57 AM

agree completely with taking at least one of the major archery events to the 
fall. Even when I was at the top of the list, and not very far from GBE, I 
did  not maintain my average in the spring. Most of my high scores with the 
longbow were obtained after Pennsic. Shooting the Winter Series at 20 yards 
helps. But it still does not complete the accuracy required for the smaller 
summer targets at 20. Nor does it maintian the accuracy required for the 30 and 
40 yard targest.  
-----Original Message-----
>From: archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org  [mailto:archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org]On Behalf Of Charles  Sprouse
>Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 9:03 AM
>To: Archery  List
>Hello all, 
>Shortly after getting home and back to facebook, someone to remain  unnamed sent me this private message on there. I wanted to post it here (It is  at the bottom of this email) in an effort to gauge how many people agree and  may or may not like to see a change. Please take a couple moments to read it  and respond with your thoughts and opinions. Please feel free to respnd to me  here, or if you want you can email me privately or send me private messages on  Facebook, whatever you wish. I will be reading the responses for only a couple  days however, because then I need to start the process of spiking the date so  that my options do not all fill up, we all know how fast that can happen.  Thank you all in advance for your opinions and subsequent discussion, they are  much appreciated.  
>Karl von Konigsberg 
>Royal Archer  
>"Hey man. Grats on winning again! BTW, would you please  consider moving the next Championship to the fall? It takes longer to "get  back" onto a recurve than an xbow after the winter. I think it would make it  more competitive."  
>My immediate response to them was that I think part of the  reasoning is to have one of our major shoots in the Spring (Royal Archer) and  one in the Fall (Lochmere Arrow) so as to 'spread out the fun', but I told  them I would at least consider it and so I am. Thank  you.

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