[Archers] WoW incident

lady_esperanza at cox.net lady_esperanza at cox.net
Mon Oct 14 11:07:52 PDT 2013

Sir Afshin and his squire should be applauded for their follow up action. I'm glad to hear that his squire did offer an apology. That is commendable. 

Baroness Esperanza
(who witnessed the incident) 

---- John Atkins <cogworks at triad.rr.com> wrote: 
> Archers,
> During the Champion's Shoot at War of the Wings an incident occurred that I
> would like to flesh out for all on this list and those who were
> participating in the shoot and witnessed it.  First a description of the
> incident.
> As archery is typically located in the "back forty" of most event sites it
> was my intention to bring it out for the populace to view, much like the
> Grand Exhibition Tournament at Gulf Wars.  Thus, two hours before court I
> set a range on the battle field behind but within view of where court was
> going to be held.  There were several fighters still on the field doing
> pickups but I set the range such that we were shooting away from them and
> left them plenty of room to do their thing.  As we were shooting one squire
> began walking down the tree line about 60 yards away from our shooting line.
> However, he continued walking until he, unknown  to him, entered our 45
> degree safety zone/cone.  We shouted to him that he was going onto a live
> weapons range (we had to shout due to his distance from us).  He responded
> that he was "just trying to find his stuff" left on the field.  Reluctantly
> he moved out of our safety zone.  However, he then got his truck and drove
> into the back of our range, about 75 yards down range, got out of the
> vehicle and resumed his equipment search.  Again we shouted with no
> response.  As Baron Achbar was near us, we asked him to "talk" with the
> young squire, which he did and ultimately the squire left the field,
> obviously not happy.  In both cases as we were telling the squire he was in
> our safety zone and to clear the field, he responded that he was "too far
> away" to be an issue.  However, when he drove his truck on the field I  had
> a few "volunteers" to "put a shaft or two in his tire" to make the point
> that our weapons could easily carry the range at which he was.  As I am
> mostly a lazy person and did NOT want to deal with the paperwork, we did not
> shoot the squire nor his truck, haha.  However, when I relayed the
> story/incident to Doubghal, our site coordinator, household brother of the
> squire and a heavy himself, he said it would be no issue, When I reminded
> him of the paperwork, he said it would be no issue if we buried the body!  J
> (That's Doubghal.)
> I believe this incident brings up a few points.  Most non-archers have no
> clue how powerful our weapons are.  In this case with all Champions on the
> line, their weapons could easily fling a shaft 150 yards or more.  As many
> of them are hunters hitting something at 100 yards is a very doable thing.
> In fact, after the champion shoot, just to prove the point, they set a
> target at about 85 - 100 yards and shot at it.  Many do not know the skill
> of the better shooters in the archery community.  There is the perception
> that if they can move, archers will not be able to hit them.  i.e. All we
> can hit is s static target.  Read Cam's Facebook post to clear that
> misperception.  There are several other issues represented and wrapped up in
> this incident that, as archers, we are all painfully aware of.  Generally
> heavies hate archers unless we are on their side and hit what they point
> out.  I believe there is also the perception that archery is what a heavy
> does when they are "too old" to continue fighting.  Again as archers these
> are issues we all know about but what's important is the relationship
> between the archery community and the heavy community.
> Now the MAIN point of this post is the what happened afterwards.  When I
> talked with Doubghal about it, he said he would talk to the squire's knight,
> Sir Afshin.  Apparently that was done because Sunday during break down Sir
> Afshin came into my camp with his squire and apologized for the incident.
> This was a difficult thing for the squire to do because he felt he was
> treated in a less that chivalrous manner during the incident.  Perceptions
> are perceptions but I believe the main point here is that the squire
> apologized for the incident and I believe he should be commended for that.
> We parted on amicable terms and I believe Sir Afshin and his squire should
> be applauded for their follow up action.
> Christophe of Grey
> Archery MIC for War of the Wings

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