[Archers] WoW incident

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Mon Oct 14 08:21:01 PDT 2013

On 10/14/13 9:22 AM, Janyn Fletcher wrote:
> Well told COG and it still amazes me how people simply walk into active
> ranges and trust they won’t be hit! I see it a few times each year and
> it just amazes me.

We used to have this kind of issue at the 'old site' for Highland River
Melees.   People would walk down a path right behind the range, and even
when we put up hay bales to stop them, big signs that said 'danger, live
weaopns range', and shot some arrows into the ground around the path and
left them, so that it 'looked dangerous'...

People would move the haybales and walk through.

And these were mundanes.

There's just a perception that archery isn't 'that dangerous'.  I chock
it up to:
* Slower moving ammo that just doesn't 'feel' dangerous.
* Far too many TV/Movies showing people hit by arrows and just pulling
it out and moving on.
* Some Modern archery ranges allowing people downrange on one lane,
while another is firing.
* A feeling of 'isn't that quaint' in regards to the bow, Same really
applies to swords as well, and having people wander out into a battle
(also happened at a previous Highland River)

Of course, the same issues exist with guns.   How many stories do you
read about people being hurt because people just don't understand physics.
* Firing guns not looking BEHIND the target, in case they miss.
* Not realizing their bullets may (will) pass through the target.
* Not realizing that a miss could carry for MILES
* Not considering ricochets if firing at something solid.
* Firing into the air, just to celebrate.   (What?  I just fired it into
the air.  What could happen, I fired UP THERE, not at anyone)

*picard face palm*


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