[Archers] Archers Digest, Vol 121, Issue 10

Fen & Michelle mobishob at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 8 10:20:22 PDT 2013

I agree entirely with Her Excellency, except in one regard. Of the top of my head, I can recall three experiences where Atlantia just screwed over the archery community. Won't go into details on all of them on a public page, but just one example: one of our Archery MICs was publicly slandered across multiple elists by a Knight. His baronage lied to Crown and swept it under the rug and his peers all looked the other way. She's been left to twist in the wind with not even a mention by Altlantia's leadership.

Maybe its no big deal to some of you, and a few may faint over "drama". But this woman has spent the last 15 years tirelessly running archery practices and introducing newcomers into the SCA. She's the reason I am a member. And I can't go to Court anymore because VIPs will stand up and talk about Honor and Courtesy and all I'll be able to think of is how they simply ignored what was done to her. One of my goals was to become a Yellow Scarf in Rapier, but I how can I take an Oath of Loyalty to Atlantia and its Crown when they all just look the other way? 

And thats just one of three, I'm sure most of us have similar experiences.

So yes, there is alot more we could be doing, but the kindgom needs to meet us halfway. Otherwise, I'm cool just hanging on the range and shooting with my buds, I can easily choose to no longer care about all the other stuff.

Sorry, I kept my mouth shut during the Ymir nonsense, but this really needed to be said. 

Atlantian Archery. Nothing exists within 100 yards without our permission.

On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 10:55 AM, Martha Fletcher <mistress.martelvonc at gmail.com> wrote:
Fellow archers, 

I agree with Lord Janyn. I love Atlantian archery and the archery community immensely. You are all good friends and offer good times. You are welcoming and generous to all who show interest in archery. You give of your time, and even your own equipment, in order that someone else can find the joy and sense of accomplishment archery is famous for. 

I would advise gently (or not) that we not take offense when none is meant. 

In my experience in the SCA "snubbing" an entire activity population just does not happen. Be it not being mentioned in court, or being included in event activities, or having our friends recognised by the Crown. I still occasionally hear "they are against us" or "they just don't like archers". It  is not helpful, nor is it true.  

I offer my advice for you to take or not at your pleasure.....  

1) If we wish our members to be recognised in any way then the onus falls on US, to write detailed and thoughtful letters of recommendation to the Crown, to our local Baroncy, AND to the Orders. If you are ALREADY a member of an Order then you need to PARTICIPATE in Order discussions and lists to support those you feel are worthy. I know that some of you already do this and you appreciate the power of your written words and interest to catch the ears of those who can act. 

2) We must stop being adversarial when an issue arises. Insulting messages, misplaced outrage, demanding requests, to online lists don't serve us in our modern jobs, and as you have found, do not serve us in the SCA. If we perceive an issue we should be talking RESPECTFULLY, DIRECTLY, and most of all PRIVATELY to the Deputy Earl Marshal of Archery or the Event Autocrat. As they say: Follow CHAIN OF COMMAND. You'll find problems are solved more quickly and effectively with none of the drama. 

3) Being missed in Court: For those who wonder why we are "ignored" in court, If you aren't familiar with Court organization it is not the Baroncy, or the Crown, or the Court Herald, or even the autocrat, to KNOW someone needs time in Court. It is our responsibility to approach the Court Herald EARLY in the day to ask for court time. Even then sometimes we are told we cannot have much time for our court business due to the large amount of official business be conducted. So scrolls/prizes etc. are given out of court. We all like to see our friends noted for their accomplishments but sometimes due to time constraints it's not possible the way we feel it should be.  

The archery community of Atlantia is pert near the best in the known world. We have talented archers, course designers, artisans, and organisers. We have consistently had the ear of the Crown for recognition and support. We should not squander that hard earned respect.   


>> On Oct 7, 2013, at 7:55 PM, "Jay Nardone" <jaynardone at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Good evening my Brothers and Sisters of the bow. I just wanted to be serious for a minute here in the shadow of all of the drama that seems to surround us. I am proud that our Archery community is so tight and how much we all watch out for each other. We tease, we laugh, we shoot, we heckle and most of all we have fun! I know this is why I joined the SCA and as I look back over the years now I can?t think of many bad times, maybe a few to count on one hand. I thank you all for this! I was invited into the group, I had great mentors and I hope I am living up to your expectations since you all gave me this chance to be DEM. It saddens me to see what is happening and I hope this all corrects itself in the near future. The way you all step up to run shoots when they were poorly planned, the way you all are willing to teach our new comers and support them via loaner gear is astounding! I heard so many comments I consider ?Bravo Sierra? at Pennsic about
 liability and insurance re
> asons for many groups not having loaner gear, it made me sick.
>> So thank you again for helping me with my job, making sure I don?t miss things which from time to time I do and for just being great people! The smiles and fun I get being around you all is priceless and something I cherish greatly!
>> Much love to you all!
>> In Service,
>> Janyn
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