[Archers] Photo Contest

Jonathas Jonathas at RedFoxDen.org
Tue Mar 5 07:08:04 PST 2013

Greetings All,

After many years, it is time to update the look of the Atlantian Archery
website and the Atlantian Scores website.  I've gone through my photo
library and contacted Janyn as well, we did not have any good artsy archery
photos.  We decided to kick it out to the community as a whole.

So, I am looking for a photo that screams medieval archery.  It will be
used as the background to the title, so it needs to be fairly wide but
short. It will be used in more or less a washed out septa style format, so
something with good contrast.  This can be a photo you have or one you take
tomorrow, it can be from a live range or completely staged, then end result
just needs to be a great photo.

Yeah I titled it as a contest, but there may not be a singular winner.  The
collection will be given to the graphics artist to put together the images
used for the redesign along with instructions on what the end result is to
look like, credit will be given to any photos or pieces of photos used.  Of
course our fearless leader, Janyn, will have the final say on using the

I would like to turn this around fairly quickly, so all photos due in two
weeks, so March 19 give or take.

Good luck shooting... the camera this time!

PS. I'm also looking for a graphics artist good with Photoshop or the sort,
please contact me off-list.
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