[Archers] MiC Qualifications - was: Re: Ymir & Archery

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Sat Jan 26 18:38:37 PST 2013

OMG!!!!!!  Leave it to His Excellency Siegfried to bring up the most
ugly word in SCA existance, DELEGATION!  Wait! Let me stuff cotton in my

Obviously that is the PRIME source of this entire thread of discussion,
delegation, and the ability to delegate effectively.  I'm a corporate
trainer and this is one of the courses I offer.  How sad to see that the
simple matter of effective delegation, let me put that in the context of
the original seed for this thread - trust, is not well understood in the

OK, I made a joke out of Siegfired's comment but is not delegation a
major part of any MIC or autocrat's job?  In my past I was a combat
archer.  I spent a great deal of time around the heavies doing many
other heavy related things.  I have never been warranted as a heavy
marshal but I know pretty much what goes on in their world.  No, I do
not know the inner workings of a Bedford tourny but I do understand the
basic for a bear pit, melee and the other schinanigans the heavies do on
their field.  But more importantly, I KNOW heavy marshals who can do the

So point well taken but then would not a simple familiarization with the
"other" activities be in order for anyone assuming the role of event


-----Original Message-----
From: archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 5:11 PM
To: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Archers] MiC Qualifications - was: Re: Ymir & Archery

I've been staying out of this thread, because I believe that others
(Janyn, Cog, Lorelei, Karl, etc) are saying everything well.

But I wanted to respond to this one side-point, which I disagree with:

> I also believe that if you are going to be MIC of an event, you need 
> to  be versed in all the disciplines that are going to be there.

I will contend that point.  One doesn't not been to be well versed with
all the disciplines (though, it can certainly make things easier).   One
simply needs to be good at delegation, trust their warranted marshals
underneath of them, and support them.

We've had a strong tradition for a while up here in the North, of
having, say, a Thrown Weapons Marshal, be the MiC of a large event like
Highland River Melees - (Where there might not even be Thrown Weapons

And those situations have often been the absolute best.   Because the
person would find deputies to run each of the activities, trust them to
do so, trust their decisions, and then in turn, simply help provide
oversight between all the activities (helping coordinate their
schedules), solve any site issues that are presented, help general
layout of the event taking the various marshals information into
account, clear any roadblocks, and support their marshals expertly.

While having no idea how Heavy combat, or Archery, or Rapier, is done.

And I don't see any issues with that at all :)


PS.  That being said, I certainly don't have a problem with having some
MiC training, that specifically drives that concept home.   I am
concerned however that adding a separate MiC training, at any more
effort than a single class & checkmark on your card.  Might harm events
more than help, as it would reduce the number of people who would MiC an

Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust, OP - Baron Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/
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