[Archers] St. Sebatian Shoot

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Sun Jan 20 14:27:00 PST 2013

I think Fen has a good idea there.  That is why I would vote for either
a "mystery" shooting station or grouping total scores.  Basing anything
on RR scores become very iffy.  Some don't shoot RRs but are very good
archers.  RR categories across all the kingdoms vary a bit.  Having a
"mystery" station eliminates any possibility of any archer sand bagging
their score on that station just to win the prize/cookie (Elk ridge bows
are just plain sweet!).  The idea of "at MIC descretion" puts a degree
of nepotism/he knew him/he likes him and all those other ugly things
people say when they don't win into it.  Having some blind criteria
removes all of that.  No one need know the "mystery" station except the
MIC until days shooting ends.  We've done that at every SAAD and it
works just fine.  It also evaluates how each archer is shooting on that
day.  I would also add that if we are going to give away an Elkridge bow
to a "mid level" archer some "perceived" equivalent need be given to
those groups above.  Now for most of the more elete archers a badge,
medalion, golden arrow would suffice as they "should" be gracious enough
to want the less skilled archer to have a fine bow.  Some people are not
that big though, sadly.  Is that a consideration we need worry ourselfs
about?  Personally I say no.  Others?

 I think this is a great idea.  However, I would caution against
qualifying it in writing as "marksmen and below" because you often get
shooters who perform well above what their Royal Round rank would
indicate (and not always for "dishonorable" reasons). Maybe add "as
voted on by the MICs" or somesuch, so you can avoid giving bow to a
Howard Hill type who hasn't kept his RR averages current.

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