[Archers] St. Sebatian Shoot

Fen & Michelle mobishob at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 20 13:13:21 PST 2013

I think this is a great idea.  However, I would caution against qualifying it in writing as "marksmen and below" because you often get shooters who perform well above what their Royal Round rank would indicate (and not always for "dishonorable" reasons). Maybe add "as voted on by the MICs" or somesuch, so you can avoid giving bow to a Howard Hill type who hasn't kept his RR averages current.

Atlantian Archery. Nothing exists within 100 yards without our permission.

On Jan 20, 2013, at 6:42 AM, "Gordon Kinnie" <am_piobaire at comcast.net> wrote:

Fellow archers, 
>We have had some great success at Pennsic with our shoot and I am hoping that this year is the same.
>I would like to offer a couple of suggestions about awards.
>Janyn is making some wonderful arrows to give out to the class winners.
>In addition, If we can get some funds together, we give out gift letters of credit for Elkridge archery to the top shooters of the day.
>            My thinking is this gives people something they can use at Pennsic.
>If Elkridge donates a bow to use as they have done in the past, we give it to the top shooter in marksmen and below.
>            My thinking is that most of the time the overall winner is a BE or GBE.  I would like to change this up.
>Also please vote for the theme.
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