[Archers] Pennsic and Atlantian Archery

Jay Nardone jaynardone at comcast.net
Fri Aug 2 19:08:47 PDT 2013

Good evening everyone, home safe and sound from Pennsic and I wanted to take
a minute to say a few things.


1.       I wanted to praise our Archery community once again. Those of you
that have been around for awhile now will have heard these words already
from me but I don't think you can ever say "thank you" enough! The St.
Sebastians' shoot had 197 archers even with bad weather and the schedule
change was another huge success! Setup went smoothly and all of the marshals
and target volunteers were spot on once again. I heard nothing but praise
from many Kingdoms and many of the archers shooting. This is OUR shoot and
it would not be what it is without you and your dedication! I want to thank
my friend and fellow archer Lord Godai for taking MIC of the shoot this year
to give me some help. He did a great job and a herculean effort in getting
all 11 gift certificates to present as awards along with the prize bow. This
was an eye opener this year and I think catering to mid to lower level
shooters is the right choice for this shoot. 


2.       The Combat archers of Atlantia were out in force as well  and
provided prowess on the battlefield that was recognized by the King with his
personal coin. The archers were decisive in helping Atlantia hold and defeat
our opponents and contribute the war points the East was counting on from
Atlantia. I am once again proud to be among you!


3.       The question was raised to me by a few people about a rule in
Atlantia about crossbows with "triggers." I think there is confusion about
this because of the modern crossbows we typically see at Pennsic and not in
our own Kingdom. There is no rule stating that crossbows with triggers are
illegal or classified in the open class. As I pointed out, all of our
crossbows have a trigger mechanism to function, this is nothing new. The
discerning part of a crossbow that puts it into the "open" class Vs. period
would be the use of a rear site. We do not allow modern crossbows, split
prods or strings that "float" above the tray of the bow. These are not
consistent with "spirit of the game" and our thoughts.



Thank you all again, it is very easy to be the lead with such a great group
of archers! I challenge our new marshals and archers in the Kingdom to rise
and support this great Kingdom and team in any way they can!


In Service,


Janyn Fletcher, DEM TA Atlantia

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