[Archers] Atlantian Archery Marshal's page

Jay Nardone jaynardone at comcast.net
Sat Apr 13 19:18:33 PDT 2013

Good evening everyone, I just wanted to send another reminder that we are
now using the Atlantian Archery Marshal's pages that Master Jonathas
maintains and not the blue pages. As I have said in the past, the Blue pages
are technically the official pages for the Kingdom but they continue to be
behind in current information and outdated as far as our information goes.
Looking though our pages tonight I see that many of you have not visited the
pages and some of you are showing as suspended status due to your classes
being expired. A reminder that if your class is expired or your membership
is expired, you are not to marshal an event without talking with me prior.
We now have the ability to pull membership information automatically from
the SCA so you won't have to worry about updating that. Please take a minute
to update your class information as it is all marshal's responsibility to
keep their information updated.


If you have any questions please let me know..


In Service,





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