[Archers] More on PVC Bows

Fen & Michelle mobishob at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 9 10:30:15 PDT 2012

And to add to His Excellency's point - my first bow was an X200 Recurve from 3 Rivers.  First month it exploded due to a manufacturing defect. They were cool and replaced it at no charge, but if a known and experienced archery outlet like 3 Rivers can put at bad bow out on our ranges, then anyone can.
I have to admit I'm not comfortable with the PVC bow. It may just be my own ignorance, but I really think we need a few guinea - er - volunteers to test a few of these bows to destruction. I would even want to break one open and see what the shards (that will be flying into people's faces) actually look like. 
Atlantian Archery. Nothing exists within 100 yards without our permission.

From: Siegfried <siegfried at crossbows.biz>
To: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Archers] More on PVC Bows

> However, a new bowyer is another matter. How do we judge his or her
> experience? How many bows have they built? How long have their bows been
> in use? Have any failed? Is this a new bow, or one that has had say 100
> shots from it (that's roughly four royal rounds, barely broken in)?

But that's no different than a wooden bow.  Is this someone's first
wooden bow?  Or first attempt at a laminated bow?

Or is this even the case of "Archer X drawing selfbow Y for the first
time, and bow Y was tested at a 22" draw length, and Archer X draws at a
30" draw length ... and ... BOOM"

I've seen those on the range, and I've seen them fail AMAZINGLY
catastrophically, with chunks flying.

And we have similarly no way to really inspect a '1st time bowyers' bow
any differently, as it will look perfectly the same as an experienced hand.


Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust, OP - Baron Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/
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