[Archers] An interesting observation

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Tue Mar 27 06:44:55 PDT 2012

Two other observations:

* As others pointed out, if you look at the 'full history' of the GBE's,
you note that of the 13 of them, 2 were with handbow.  But that's not
the full picture.  Lorenzo stopped shooting Atlantian RR's before the
current system, but was a GBE w/ handbow.  So that's 3 of 14.  But also,
Seamus & Mika were both Crossbow & Handbow GBE's.  So that makes 5 of
14, or 5 vs 9 ... a 'closer to even' distribution than might be
originally seen

* What I find really interesting.  Is that Atlantia is 'flipped' in
these regards, compared to some other kingdoms.  Looking at other
kingdoms for their equivalent (100+) rank, and you find:
- AEthelemearc: 6 crossbows, 10 handbows
- East: (only 'recent' rankings shown): 5 crossbows, 4 handbows
- Midrealm: 12 crossbows, 5 handbows

So interestingly, we have a 'midrealm styled' distribution.  Versus
East, which is much more balanced.  And AEthelmearc which has far more
handbow GBE's.

If you look at Society-wide Ludicrous archers, they are fairly evenly
split, with 12 crossbows vs 11 handbows vs 1 mixed-shooter, by my

So much of it seems to really center around the culture, and perhaps
access to instruction/equipment/etc.   And a bit of 'copy the neighbor'.  :)

Siegfried - Who has always been fascinated by this.

On 3/26/12 5:45 PM, John Atkins wrote:
> I realize this subject has been beat to death many, many times, HOWEVER,
> perusing the RR scores list I see that all Grand Bowmen Elites are crossbow
> shooters.  There is only 1 archer listed as a Grand Bowman Elite who is NOT
> a crossbow shooter, although he is now perverted to the dark side and listed
> again as a Grand Bowman Elite with the Devil's instrument.  (Hey!  It's a
> friendly joke!)  So there exists a question embedded in this, why is it,
> seemingly, only crossbowmen make it to the Grand Bowman Elite
> classification?  I realize every single on who is currently listed there on
> the list is a highly dedicated archer and practices, practices, practices
> and nurtures their crossbow perhaps more than some of their family members.
> But the question remains.
> Perhaps we could discuss this.  Not looking for any diabolical, devious, or
> catastrophic solutions here, just a friendly discussion.
> cog
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Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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