[Archers] gasket lacquer

jaynardone at comcast.net jaynardone at comcast.net
Tue Mar 20 13:38:33 PDT 2012

Well ask and you shall receive! :) 

Gasket laquer is just that, infact the stuff that pencils gets coated with is GL. We use the same thing. You can thin it with Lacquer thinner but when its that old I have found that it also will produce really ugly hairline cracks on your arrows due to its age. Unless your going for that effect, it is not very nice looking. I would say get rid of it and get yourself some new. www.3riversarchery.com is the only place I know of that sells it. 

Good luck! 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Michael" <michaelstuart at gmail.com> 
To: archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:31:46 PM 
Subject: [Archers] gasket lacquer 

I have the last few ounces of gasket lacquer left in my dipping tube, but it's gotten so thick that I need to either thin it a lot or clean it out and start a new can. When it's too thick, as I found out on my last set of arrows, it leaves a gloppy thick (heavy) finish that then gets all crackly when the arrow flexes. Does anyone know what other names gasket lacquer might be called, and in what sort of local store I might look for it (i.e., not by mail order)? 


Ld. Eirik Gralokkr 
Charlesbury Crossing 
Archers mailing list 
Archers at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
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