[Archers] peerage

Holly Gibbons holly0920 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 16 12:42:07 PDT 2012

So the Chivalry supports a rapier peerage but not an archery peerage, rather decisively. Why? Is anyone on this list curious?
There have to be reasons behind the Chivalry's position. And it really does not matter what archers themselves think - - you won't get a peerage without the support of the chivalry. And no matter how helpful the combat archers are in Pennsic battles, that won't get you a peerage either.
I wonder if it isn't that most archers are always in the back 40, hang only with each other, don't stay for feast, don't do service except to archery, and don't care much for medieval garb or the rest of sca activities. Of course there are exceptions to all these ... but if the rapier people had a plan to get a peerage, those archers demanding theirs should get a good look at the blueprint.
Lastly, I doubt whether many target archers are keen to be a knight's yeoman, despite Tnek's lovely, generous offer. Most archers are independantly-targeted kinds of people who bond more laterally with each other than vertically within the sca. And most archers are not combat archers either.
$0.02 , Nuala
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