[Archers] ST. Sebastian Theme input

Gordon Kinnie am_piobaire at comcast.net
Mon Feb 6 03:35:26 PST 2012

We are getting great feedback on the target themes.  Please give me your
input.  I would like to make a decision by Friday.

  Below you will find the top three vote getters. We need to look at viable
targets for each one, please if you volunteered to make a target think about
each theme.  The themes are Beowulf, Celtic Creatures, and the Silk Road.


Beowulf  - Grendal, Mother, Viking ships, coast watcher, dragon, mead hall
and thanes.  Great story, somewhat limited target selection, even though
this is my favorite.  

Celtic creatures - deer, dragons, serpents, wolfs, boars, etc.  Very large
number of targets, great art work, no real story.

Silk Road -basically follow Marco Polo's journeys from Venice to China and
back, 15,000 miles in 24 years.   Great story and a large number of targets
options.  Will have to be coordinated to keep with the theme.

Remember that we are looking for about 13 stations, some with up to 4

Post some of your target ideas.



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