[Archers] Use of Waivers for Target Archery

jaynardone at comcast.net jaynardone at comcast.net
Wed Dec 5 09:24:17 PST 2012

Good morning my Brothers and Sisters of the Bow, I spent most of the morning on the phone with the SCA offices to include the Society Deputy Earl Marshal TA discussing the issues we have been seeing with waivers. I have what I think is good news, this is the response from the Society Dep Earl Marshal: 

Greetings THL Janyn Fletcher, DEM Target Archery Atlantia, 


The best answer I have for you is "nothing has changed". 

Target archery or Thrown Weapons are not combat related and so waivers are not required even after a decade. 



Lynette Dave'jean 

DEM of the Society for Target Archery and TW 




So based on her direction, we WILL NOT process waivers for Atlantian Target archery. If your branch Seneschal's are directing you to do so they are incorrect and I suggest you show them this direction. I do not want us doing different things across the Kingdom. I have included this email to the Kingdom Seneschal Rozsa so she has a record as well. I see no need to contribute to a mountain of paperwork for no reason until we are directed to do so. The concern here was the security of our insurance which in this case will remain in tact. 

This verbage below came from the Society years back in describing the definition of what "Combat" is defined as. 



"Any form of "combat-related activity" practice counts as a "combat or fighter practice". Corpora defines "combat-related activities" as armored combat (aka rattan fighting), period fencing, combat archery, marshalling, scouting, and banner-bearing in combat. According to a previous Board ruling, target archery is not considered a "combat-related activity", and so waivers are not required." 

I want to thank Master Siegfried for his help with information concerning this issue as well. 

In Service, 

THL Janyn Fletcher of Lancastreshire, DEM Target Archery Atlantia
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