[Archers] Saint Sebastian's Prize scoring

Holly Gibbons holly0920 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 22 18:12:50 PDT 2012

Here's our thoughts for scoring the SSP targets we are bringing - 
Celtic Snake Koosh Ball Target:
Total of four arrows, untimed
5 points if you spear a koosh ball, sending it flying out of the target. 
5 points if you shoot an arrow clean through an empty hole where a previous archer has already shoot the koosh ball out (if the arrow catches any cardboard it is a blow-through and can only earn 3, 1 or 0 points)
3 points if your arrow is in the colored circle around the koosh ball. 
2 points if your arrow is anywhere in the snake.
1 points for the background.
Balloon Forest Target: 
Up to four arrows, untimed
3 points big balloons 
7 points medium balloons
11 points small balloons
You must shoot between the marked gates. Archer chooses which size ballon to shoot for and has up to four arrows to pop a ballon for the points. As soon as the archer has shot one balloon, it's done - only one balloon pop per archer.
Leftover arrows score one additional point each for up to 3 additional points.
(So if archer hits a medium balloon on their second arrow, they score 6 points for the balloon plus one point each for the two un-shot arrows for a total of 8 points.)
If an archer shoots all four arrows and does not hit a balloon they get 1 point for participation, and first dibs at shooting at any leftover balloons at the end of the day.
Archers may change their minds and shoot for a different size balloon at any time, but must change to the appropriate marked gate. (note: this last rule is to avoid having a low angle shot lined up so that the big balloons are in front of the little ones!)
We hope this is all clear. Really good archers/crossbows should be able to get a maximum of 20 points and 14 points, although the koosh balls are deceptively hard to get as they are really small. Most good archers will probably score 11-13 on the koosh ball and maybe 10-11 on the balloons. No archers will receive a zero on either target, as we hate to see a bunch of goose-eggs on anybody's scorecard. We hope that's all ok with you!
Nuala, Geoffrey, and Breccan
Ps. Yes, happy to do posters at Pennsic again!
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