[Archers] ISO Martelle Von Charlottenburg & ISO Challenges

Bobbi wavqueen1 at yahoo.com
Tue May 10 16:04:15 PDT 2011

:::singing:::  Oooohhhhh Martelle, come out come out wherever you aaarrreeeee <grin>.  You haven't answered my challenge from March, and I was curious if you will be doing so, or if I should come hunt you down <grin>.

All archers, I'm challenging you all to beat Baron Jonathas :::ducking:::  Therefore, it appears there are a bunch of archers out there who need to put on their thinking caps and head on over to the website (http://www.scores-sca.org/public/scores_rules.php?R=2&Shoot=72) and check out the rules.

Also check out this website (http://www.scores-sca.org/public/scores_challenges.php?R=2&Shoot=72) and see if you have any open challenges against you, to answer.

Please know that the shoot ends May 31st so time is running out to score higher then the person at the top of the list <cough, cough>.

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