[Archers] H-O-R-S-E

Jonathas Jonathas at RedFoxDen.org
Fri Mar 18 09:52:21 PDT 2011

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 11:45 AM,

> So I'm looking at the challenge rules, and I note that " If they have an
> email in the system they will be notified of your trash talk". OK..so how
> exactly does one get their Email into the system? Further, how does one go
> about issuing a challenge to somebody in the system?
> Thanks,

Having been asked the same question several times, this time I'll answer it
back on the list [removing the questioners name since the originally asked

To the "email" part: When a marshal enters a Name in the site they have the
option of entering an email address for that Archer.  Some have been entered
some have not.  If you are a marshal please consider adding email addresses
for your local archers.  If you are not a marshal, you may request that your
local marshal associate an email address to your name.  Should a challenge
be issued to an archer without an email address the site will lookup the
marshal who has submitted the most scores recently and send the challenge
email to the marshal, guessing that if they submitted all those scores they
will probably see the archer again real soon.

As for the "issuing a challenge" part: The marshal who records the score
just needs to submit the score via the site, much like they would a typical
Royal Round, only with a few extras.  They must enter the archer being
challenged in addition to the archer who shot the score and in the
Additional Rule box enter what the target was if the default was not used.
The site will take care of sending out the challenge like the one Lorelei
posted after the score is submitted.

Now ideally before you just go off challenging everybody/anybody by
submitting a ton of scores, you should probably try and contact them to be
sure they will actually answer your challenge.  For example, before entering
the score which generated the email to Lorelei I contacted her via email to
be sure she was up to answering a challenge and what the target would be.

Hope this helps, please let me know if there are any other questions.

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